Let's talk branding


If you want to know what makes up a brand, how it ticks, or how to build one, this primer is for you.

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Over 200+ Brands inside!

About the Book

We wanted to take the mystery out of branding. We were tired of the numerous definitions of brands that contained no substance, and while there are some books on the topic, we wanted to write a primer that would be easy to read and reference.

Brand Design
Voice & Tone
Jungian Archetypes

Amazon Barnes & NobleSigned Book (HiFi Print Version)

What's in The Brand Book

A brand is more than a logo.
It's an emotional connection.
Let's build it.

1. What is a Brand?

Lots of people or agencies define a "brand" differently. But, really, what is a brand?

2. Elements of a Brand

There are building blocks for creating an unforgettable brand. They're tangilble, real, and explained for you.

3. Naming a Brand

Naming a brand is more difficult than throwing a few out and voting on your favorite. It's much more detailed.

4. Verbal Identity

Before we look at the visuals, how do we describe a brand? What's its personality, voice, and tone?

5. Visual Branding

Some call it the fun bits. We call it the icing on the cake. Here we define color, typography, and logos.

6. Putting it all Together

Now that we have all the building blocks, it's type to put it all together and get the brand ready for the public eye.

Wise up! 

Kyle lives and breathes brand as a concept, an idea, and a way of growing a business or pursuit. The Brand Book is your handbook for what he has observed over decades and your playbook for how to put it into action. One simply can’t help but get smarter and wiser by reading it."

Matt Certo / Founder

'The Brand Book' is a practical guide for anyone looking to understand branding. 

Full of useful advice and examples that make the branding process clear and approachable for anyone in marketing, business, or entrepreneurship. This book offers straightforward tips on how to build a brand that connects with people."

Matt Hofherr / Chief Strategy Officer

 I dig it!

There’s a wide range of books that talk about different aspects of branding. Kyle has found a way to bring all those parts together into a comprehensive and easily consumable guide to building a great brand."

Lee Davis / Head of Agency

 Five Stars!

"Kyle Duford is perhaps the most passionate brand advocate I have met in more than 30 years in this business. This book is a thorough look at every aspect of branding – and why you should care. Well worth your time whether you are a brand manager, an advertising practitioner, or even a consumer.”

Dan O'Brien / Partner