Tell me about brand platforms
A brand is the sum of all of the experiences that anyone has with your company.
For your brand to be meaningful and effective, every element of your communication and business strategy must be informed by the “soul” of what you stand for.
A brand is not just a logo. It must permeate everything you do, and everyone that works with you needs to be clear on what it stands for.
For this purpose, we create a Brand Platform, which serves as the blueprint for your brand. It consists of six internal and external brand elements that collectively give us the ingredients to manage brand strategy and communication in pretty much any area of the organization.

This is a brand's guiding principle, philosophy, purpose, soul, north star - whatever you want to call it. It’s the feeling the customer should experience when using the product.
A vision statement is an aspirational statement made by an organization that articulates a future destination that they genuinely want to achieve. Furthermore, the vision guides the direction of the organization's efforts.
It is not limited by what we believe to be possible, and it is inspiring to all contributors. While not limited by what we believe to be possible, it must at least be plausible.
What you’re here to do: either specific initiatives or tactics centered around the product, operations, market strategies, or communications, all focused on helping the brand achieve its vision.
Mission statements can change over time as business goals are achieved and new ones are set.

A brand positioning statement is your statement to the world. It tells your audience how you are different from your competitors. What makes you memorable, unique, and stand apart from them.
For a brand to differentiate, it has to be different.
An organization is nothing without values, nor is a brand. Values are the parameters that set boundaries and inform decisions.
But they are only influential if they are used. Otherwise, they become empty words. In today’s transparent world it is crucial that a brand lives its values authentically.
Too often, companies are caught out saying one thing but doing another.
These are the human characteristics and attributes of a brand if it were a person.
These personality traits help inform how a brand talks, looks, and communicates and help form a personal connection with your target audience.