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GREENVILLE, SC, January 23, 2022 – The Brand Leader (TBL), has been awarded one of the advertising industry’s most prestigious honors, Ad Age Best Places to Work 2023, an annual ranking of companies that lead the industry in factors ranging from corporate culture and leadership to pay and benefits. According to Ad Age, “the winners did a standout job over the past year as the ad business met the challenges of a weakening economy, changing media market, and a continued tight talent pool.”
TBL, a leading national advertising and marketing agency specializing in enhancing clients’ brands, was among 50 companies from throughout the United States honored in the publication’s print issue (published January 23rd) and online at AdAge.com.
“Being recognized as one of the best agencies to work by the world’s foremost authority on the advertising industry is a testament to our culture of putting people first. Creating meaningful connections in the spirit of boundless collaboration among our employees, our clients, and others has made us better and has fostered exceptional work,” says Kyle Duford, Executive Creative Director at TBL.

The winners—top companies with 200 or fewer employees and top companies with more than 200 employees—reflect the highest overall numerical scores based on an analysis of questionnaires submitted by employers and survey responses from their employees. Ad Age’s scoring system factors in employee responses on topics including pay and benefits and seven other core focus areas (75% of the score) and a company’s policies and practices on areas including pay and benefits, work/life balance, recruitment, and training and development (25% of the score).
“The tight labor market forced every business in the industry to compete for talent, and the 2023 Best Places to Work winners proved the value of understanding what employees want today,” said Dan Peres, President and Editor-In-Chief of Ad Age. “Companies will face challenges this year with the economy and ongoing effects of the pandemic, but winning workplaces understand that taking care of employees is central to business success.”
Ad Age produced Best Places to Work 2023 in partnership with Best Companies Group, a research firm specializing in identifying and recognizing great places to work. The competition was open to agencies, ad tech firms, brand or corporate marketing departments or groups, and in-house agencies of marketers.
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